I. 介绍
This policy governs the use of computers, computer-based networks, 和 related equipment
administered by pg电子游戏试玩 (ASU). Under the federal statutes 和 the section of the
Mississippi Code that regulate the use of these resources, The pg电子游戏试玩 Center for
Information Technology 服务 (中国国际旅行社) is required to ensure that this equipment is used properly
和 for the purpose for which state funds were expended. The intent of this policy is to allow
maximum freedom of use consistent with state 和 联邦法律, IHL/University policy, 和 a
productive work environment.

II. 一般原则
Appropriate use reflects academic honesty 和 ethical behavior, 和 demonstrates consideration in
the consumption of sh是d resources. It shows respect for intellectual property, ownership of data,
system security mechanisms, 和 the rights of others to privacy 和 to freedom from intimidation,
harassment, 和 unwarranted annoyance.

3. 授权使用
Individuals may use ASU computing 和 网络设施 only with the express authority of
ASU. Using an 账户 that belongs to another individual or giving an individual other than the
owner access to an ASU 账户 is prohibited. Each user is responsible for all activity originating
从他或她的帐户. 中国国际旅行社 management authorizes system 账户s 和 the use of lab facilities. In
certain cases, such as with remote Nursing School facilities, 中国国际旅行社 management may designate an
acceptable use agent to authorize 账户s.
ASU computing 和 网络设施 may not to be used for commercial purposes, 个人金融
gain, or partisan political purposes. Because ASU computing 和 网络设施 serve diverse
purposes 和 diverse constituencies, rules for use may vary somewhat across systems 和 labs. 活动
having valid educational benefits, but which 是 not specifically tied to class work or research, 是
generally allowed; however, they may be limited or banned on certain systems at the discretion of 中国国际旅行社
management, according to system load 和 system function. For example, due to the limited number of
站, game playing in ASU labs is strictly prohibited, unless the activity is required as part of a
大学课程. System 和 lab dependent policies 是 communicated to users through on-line messages,
news items, 和 lab postings. Compliance with the ASU 可接受使用政策 requires compliance with
all system 和 lab dependent policies. Misuse or abuse of ASU computing 和 网络设施 is a
violation of the ASU 可接受使用政策; violators 是 subject to the suspension or revoking of
计算的特权, 纪律处分, 和 criminal prosecution in cases of violations of state or federal

V. 电脑软件使用
ASU computing 和 网络设施 utilize many softw是 applications with a wide range of
license 和 copyright provisions. Users 是 responsible for availing themselves of appropriate
information 和 complying with the license 和 copyright provisions of the softw是 that they use.
Moreover, ASU computing 和 网络设施 是 subject to the pg电子游戏试玩 Policy
Statement on Softw是 Usage:

  • pg电子游戏试玩 prohibits the unauthorized 复制ing or electronic transmission of copyrighted computer softw是, 计算机数据, 和 softw是 manuals at pg电子游戏试玩 unless appropriate written consent is obtained from the softw是 vendor or licensor.
  • Such unauthorized duplication is grounds for 纪律处分 by the University 和 is subject to criminal prosecution under Mississippi Computer Statutes (Sections 97-45-1 through 13), as well as under the Federal Computer Fraud 和 Abuse Act of 1986.
  • 根据美国.S. 版权法律, illegal reproduction of softw是 can be subject to civil damages of $50,000或更多, 和 criminal penalties including fines 和 imprisonment.Under the Mississippi Computer Crimes Law, 最高罚款是10美元,000 和 the maximum imprisonment sentence is five (5) years.

VI. 用户的责任
Respect the integrity of the pg电子游戏试玩 Center for Information Technology 服务
(中国国际旅行社) computing environments 和 computing environments reachable by ASU network
连接. No individual shall, without authorization, access, use, destroy, alter, dismantle or
disfigure ASU technologies, properties or facilities. Refrain from any attempt to circumvent or
subvert system securities 和/or protections. Do not use ASU computing 和 网络设施 to
gain illegal access or entry into other computers. ASU users must follow any policies (which may be
more restrictive than this policy) governing the use of any remote hosts accessed. 尊重隐私

Respect the finite capacity of systems. No individual shall monopolize or hoard resources, including
实验站(PC), 工作站, 终端), 印刷设备, 拨号连接, 限量使用软件
licenses, 和 system resources such as CPU, disk, 和 memory. Use computing 和 networking
facilities in a manner that promotes a productive 和 professional working environment-locally,
nationally, 和 internationally. Computer communications systems 和 networks promote the free
exchange of ideas 和 information, thus enhancing teaching 和 research. Individuals should not use
electronic communications systems such as E-mail to harass others or to interfere with their work.
Other examples of misuse include: (1) sending unsolicited messages, mail or communications of any
kind to persons who have not requested it or who cannot be reasonably expected to welcome such
communications; (2) printing or displaying materials (images, sounds, messages) that 是 unsuitable
for public display or that could create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment for others. ASU
computing facilities 是 not to be used in a wasteful or frivolous manner (e.g.,打字系统或
network resources with computer-based game playing, sending trivial or excessive messages,
printing excess copies of documents, 文件s, data, or programs, running grossly inefficient programs
when efficient alternatives 是 available, etc). 保护您的帐户. Even the best computer systems
cannot protect the individual who fails to conceal his or her password. 防止滥用你的
账户, (1) physically protect your session, (2) never record a password where it could be found, 和
(3) never reveal your password. Follow 中国国际旅行社 guidelines for password selection 和 change your
密码经常. Inform 中国国际旅行社 when you leave the institution so that your 账户 may be properly
关闭. Failure to act responsibly in the use of ASU computing facilities is a violation of the 中国国际旅行社
适当使用政策; violators 是 subject to the suspension or revoking of 计算的特权,
纪律处分, 和 criminal prosecution in cases of violations of state or 联邦法律.

7. 中国国际旅行社 Rights 和 Responsibilities
Acknowledgment of this policy statement authorizes appropriate 中国国际旅行社 system or network personnel,
under the direction of 中国国际旅行社 management to examine user 文件s 和 activities, if necessary. No
guarantee of complete privacy is made. 中国国际旅行社 management reserves the right to stop any process,
restrict any individual’s use, 检查, 复制, remove or otherwise alter any data, 文件, 或者系统资源
that may undermine or adversely affect the overall performance or integrity of the computing 和
网络设施. 中国国际旅行社 system 和 network administrators have taken reasonable precautions to
ensure that potentially offensive materials do not reside on local facilities; however, 中国国际旅行社不能
held responsible for materials on remote sites. Individuals 是 cautioned to exercise judgment in

8. 后果
Violation of 中国国际旅行社 适当使用政策 may result in the following penalties:
*Suspension for varying amounts of time or the permanent revoking of 计算的特权.
中国国际旅行社 management reserves the right to revoke the 计算的特权 of individuals who
have violated this policy until suitable, comprehensive 纪律处分 is determined.
*Reporting of the violation to the appropriate Disciplinary Advisory Committee for the
*Referral to the appropriate 法律 enforcement agency in cases of violations of state 和